Liberty Family Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How Do I Clean My Dental Implants?

Dental implants are natural-looking teeth alternatives that can replace the missing tooth. It helps with jaw bone support and also extends the life of the perfect set of teeth. These implants replace missing teeth from their roots and crowns. However, being part of their mouth, it is essential to keep them clean. Only a hygienic set of dental implants can truly keep you healthy and fit.

With this article, you can explore how to care for your dental implants better. People with missing teeth often get dental implants to boost their confidence and better appearance. Let us learn some dental implant tips you can execute for better maintenance.

What are Dental Implants and their function?

Dental implants are artificial teeth that replace your missing teeth. They look natural and are covered using gum tissue to look like part of your smile. These implants are attached to the jawbone using a titanium screw, making it a strong structure.

If one loses their permanent teeth due to any injury, disease, or decay, one can seek dental implants as the ultimate solution. You can achieve the best aesthetics and avoid complicated surgeries like mouth reconstruction surgery. It offers a better-looking set of teeth than dentures and even feels like real teeth.

Why to Use Clean Dental Implants?

Dental implants are part of your mouth and, similar to teeth, collect bacteria and plaque buildup over time. If not removed regularly, it can cause implant failure and lead to various gum diseases. These implants also contribute to oral health, making cleaning regularly essential for overall oral hygiene.

Also, dental implants look like natural teeth that need maintenance just like them. With effective efforts to keep them clean, they will look as new. Otherwise, they might show discoloration and plaque buildup on their surface.

Dental Implants Maintenance

Maintaining great oral hygiene is essential for oral health. With the necessary steps, you remove plaque buildup, enhance appearance, and avoid implant failure. One might develop a foul odor discoloration of implants, which can lead to loss of neighboring permanent teeth. If the impact is injured or fails, you might need to visit the dental clinic for similar treatment again.

Here are some essential tips that can help you with better oral care and dental implant hygiene:

Use a Soft-Bristled brush

With a soft-bristled brush, you must clean your teeth and implants. Dental implants are fixed to your jawbone using screws, this is why you can clean them by brushing them with soft hands. A hard bristled brush might damage your dental implant’s tooth enamel and outer surface.

Use Water Flosser

A water flosser is an effective solution to protect your oral health from periimplantitis. This flossing technique can kill bacteria up to 6mm deep. It is a proven and efficient way to floss your teeth and keep those gaps besides dentures clean and hygienic.

Brushing Daily

You must use a soft-bristled brush at least twice a day. Your mouth needs proper cleaning for better oral health. Food residual particles can result in plaque buildup and might degrade the implant with time.

Avoid Biting Hard Objects

Biting hard objects can affect the implant structure and make them fall off. You must avoid biting into unnecessary objects, hard food items such as toffee, candy, or any other to ensure your dental implants’ safety. Dental implants are fixed to the jawbone using titanium screws, and putting enough pressure can damage them.

Regular checkups and Professional Cleaning

Visiting your dentist at least twice a year is essential for all patients with dental implants. It allows you the opportunity to detect early signs of gum disease before reaching an advanced stage. Brushing teeth after every meal, using a water flosser, and trying to keep your dental implants are essential for good dental health.

How can we avoid Dental Implant Problems?

Dental implants need essential care and maintenance to extend their life. If not, they can cause severe complications, resulting in tooth loss and denture failure. These issues, if detected early, can help you avoid them using home remedies and preventive measures. Here are a few such common problems; let’s take a look at these:


Infections are caused by bacteria in the mouth around the implant site. You must maintain proper dental care and hygiene to avoid bacteria formation. You can also rinse your mouth using hydrogen peroxide as a home remedy to avoid such conditions. Otherwise, it can lead to advanced periodontal conditions.


Peri-impactites is an inflammatory condition that can happen due to dental implants. The presence of bacteria also causes it and can even result in bone loss. If not treated, it can also lead to implant failure. You must follow effective dental implant cleaning tips for better oral care.

Implant Fracture

Dental implants are made with titanium and fixed using titanium screws into your jawbone. Despite being a strong structure, they can crack if one bites into ice or nutshells. Your dentist will also warn you to avoid biting hard food items or biting down.


Dental implants also lead to sensitivity in some cases. As they are made up of metal, they conduct heat and cold more effectively than teeth. You can switch to a sensitive toothpaste and use a softer toothbrush to feel better in this condition.

Final Thoughts

Dental implants are a great alternative to dentures to replace missing teeth. They are attached to the jawbone and are made up of titanium. This makes them a strong and reliable replacement for missing teeth. You can visit experts at Liberty Dental Office TX to seek dental implants. You can also explore how to take better dental implant care and treat them right. You can take better oral care and improve oral health with effective tips.